Facility Requests At Mission
All facility use requests must be submitted to the Operations Director and Executive Producer for review and approval. Approval is determined by alignment to the Mission Church values of Gather, Grow, & Go. Mission Church reserves the right to deny facility use at its discretion. In order to help this event run as smoothly as possible, it is important that there is a mutual understanding and agreement on our part and yours.
Facility Use Agreement
The following policies and guidelines are in place for all events at Mission Church. Any changes or special requests must be approved by the Operations Director. If your event is approved, you (the main contact) are responsible to ensure all policies and guidelines are followed by all guests while onsite.
Set-up/tear-down of tables and chairs and clean-up of the space is your responsibility.
No equipment or supplies onsite can be used or moved without approval.
All areas must be returned to the way they were before you arrived.
Trash must be taken out and can-liners replaced at the end of the event.
Damaged/missing items or additional costs incurred for clean-up will be charged back.
Children should not be left unsupervised at any time, including outside.
All decorations, props, or staging effects must be approved prior to use.
Confetti, glitter, and other annoyingly messy materials are not allowed.
Nothing may be taped, tacked, stapled, or nailed to walls or windows. Painter tape must be approved prior to use.
Open flames are not allowed at any time, including candles, sternos, and bonfires.
Smoking & chewing tobacco products are not allowed inside at any time.
Alcohol, marijuana, and illegal substances are not allowed anywhere on-site at any time.
Recurring events will be constantly re-evaluated to ensure this agreement is being met. Use of space may be denied if it is determined the facility has been misused in any way.
Mission Church ministries hold priority over facility use. If there is a date conflict, your event will be rescheduled.
Mission Church is not responsible for your event in any manner, and the main contact will indemnify and hold harmless Mission, its agents and employees against all claims, demands, injuries, liabilities, and costs, including attorney fees, that may arise related to your event.
The Operations Director will provide a schedule of costs for facility use if approved.
Event Fees
Event Cost: Varies based on space and usage
Facilities Person: $50 per hour
Production Tech: $100 per hour
Garbage: $100
Cleaning Fee: $150
Costs vary for musicians