
A movement of Jesus in The 10, in our lifetime. This is what we are asking God to do. What do we do? We position ourselves to participate in that movement. How? We Gather Differently, Grow Intentionally, and Go Missionally.

The Growth Track is our plan to prepare you to Go and help people find and follow Christ. It’s how we at Mission obey Jesus’ command to Go in Matthew 28:19. Courses designed for growth, and built to launch.

Alpha Course

Alpha is a place to invite friends and explore questions of life, faith, and meaning. Each week there are engaging and helpful videos that ask questions about faith and create conversation in a judgment-free environment.

If you are curious about life, faith, meaning, and want to belong to a place where other people are asking similar questions, then the Alpha Course is for you!

Alpha is every Wednesday from 6:30pm - 8:30pm September 10th - November 5th. Dinner is included!


Partner Course

You may be familiar with churches that have members, but movements require something more. At Mission, we call those Partners. In the Partner Course, you’ll discover God’s plan for His Church, our Vision as Mission Church, and your invitation to Partner in all that God is doing.

If you already have a relationship with Jesus and want to grow in it, and if you want to Partner in our mission together at Mission Church, then the Partner Course is for you!

The Partner Course is every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 8:00pm September 9th - October 28th. Dinner is included!


Planter Course

From Growing to Going! The Planter Course will inspire and prepare you to launch or join a Missional Community where you and your friends can help people find and follow Christ with a plan to Go as the Church, just not at the church.

If you are already a Partner of Mission and are ready to discover how to launch or join a Missional Community and put your dot on the map, the Planter Course is for you!

The Planter Course is every Monday from 6:30pm - 8:00pm September 8th - October 27th.


Where does it get you?

We are desperate to experience a movement of Jesus in The 10, in our lifetime. As we find and follow Christ, we want to help others find and follow Christ!

We envision the day where Mission Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people helping people find and follow Christ in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, gyms... wherever your two feet take you. The entire Growth Track points to this outcome and it’s what we believe will bring a movement of Jesus in The 10.


You've probably heard the term "member" if you've been around church for any length of time. At Mission however, our solution to this often confusing and complicated status is simply: Partners.

A Partner is a follower of Jesus who Gathers Differently at Mission Church. Partners agree with what Mission is all about, invite their friends to church, give back a portion of your resources to God, and volunteer their time and talents for the advancement of His Kingdom here in The 10 at Mission Church.


As we live out our third value, ‘Go Missionally’, Missional Communities are the organizing structure we use as we help people find and follow Christ here in The 10.

Our vision is that Partners are becoming Planters saturating their neighborhoods and networks with the love of Jesus. This is what it looks like to be on mission as the church, just not at church.