
Helping People Find & Follow Christ



A movement of Jesus in The 10, in our lifetime. This is what we are asking God to do. What do we do? We position ourselves to participate in that movement. How? We Gather Differently, Grow Intentionally, and Go Missionally.

Address: 82 Stratford Drive, Bloomingdale
Service Times: 9:00am, 10:30am, & 12:00pm



The Growth Track is our plan to prepare you to Go and help people find and follow Christ. It’s how we at Mission obey Jesus’ command to Go in Matthew 28:19. Courses designed for growth, and built to launch.



We envision the day where Mission Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people helping people find and follow Christ in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, gyms... wherever your two feet take you. The kingdom of God has come. Therefore, we must Go to our city for His glory!

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What’s Happening At Mission?