Our mission is to help kids find and follow Christ!

Part of our 5 Year Vision is that families are following Jesus together throughout the week in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods.

Did you know? The most common church model has a child under their care for about 60 minutes a week. That is an estimated 50 hours a year if a child attended consistently. A child is in their home an average of 3,000 hours a year. We believe the role of a parent is one of the ways God wants to help parents grow into the fullness of the measure of Christ.

We read in Deuteronomy 6 that the most important thing parents should do: love God with all their heart, soul, and strength and impress that love onto their child. The greatest influence on a child’s spiritual journey isn’t their small group leader or the pastors of our church. It is the parent. So, we want to help you win and do family better!


Who We Are

We are focused on connecting kids to a small circle of peers and a trusted team of volunteers that are partnering with parents to help each child see God for who He is, help them to see themselves the way God sees them, and help them to love others the way God loves them so they can take Jesus to their home, school, and neighborhood.

We help kids find and follow Christ and help equip families to follow Jesus throughout the week in their home.

We believe when the home and the church partner together, both entities have a greater influence and impact on a child’s life.

We, The Church, are uniquely and strategically placed on this planet to display God’s glory to the world. The Church exists to shine a light into the darkness, a light that highlights God’s goodness and reveals God’s Son, in order that the world can understand and know him. The family has always been an integral part of God’s design and is strategically positioned as the primary platform to display God’s message of restoration to the hearts of every generation.

The Mission Kids ministry is a safe, fun, and unique church experience on the weekend! But, our focus is to gather to go.


When We Gather:

Mission Kids is open during all four of our services: Saturday at 5:30pm and Sunday at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 11:30am.

How We Gather:

Every age has their own room with a unique experience built for their developmental stage.

Why We Gather:

We gather to connect kids to a small circle of peers and a trusted team of adult volunteers. We take the spiritual and relational growth of our Mission Kids seriously…

AND we never want a child's church experience to get boring. So we use Grow Kids curriculum which is filled with fun new series and environments providing a predictable, consistent structure with fresh new ideas. Grow Kids takes kids through every major Bible story in three years. Every year, we spend an equal amount of time in the Old and New Testaments. At the end of three years, we start all over again! 

Throughout our year we focus on four spiritual habits to help kids grow closer to God and one another. Check them out below!


On the weekends, we help kids grow spiritually by teaching and discussing Scripture in developmentally appropriate ways. Both early childhood and elementary kids are hearing the same Bible Story and Big Idea at the same time. While every monthly teaching series is unique, we always provide core tools and resources to make a child’s church experience meaningful, fun and applicable. So that families can grow together towards Jesus throughout the week. 


Kids go by taking what they learned on the weekends, sharing it with their family and committing to being the church just not at the church. We provide Family resources that will help in having spiritual conversations during car rides, playtime, mealtime and among their school and neighborhood relationship.

Early Childhood

Gizmo is no ordinary owl, he is a wise, wonderful, feathered friend who's ready to embark on adventures and share stories wherever you are. Gizmo is the perfect friend to be by your side! So, whether you're looking for a snuggle partner around the fire pit, a brave sidekick for your imaginative quests, or just a wise friend to share your thoughts with, Gizmo is here for you.


Vinny is the ultimate buddy for all your sunny day fantastical adventures! With Vinny by your side, you'll uncover treasures, solve riddles, serve your neighbors, eat endless popsicles, and much more. 


New Families

If it’s your first time at Mission, we encourage our brand new families to pre-register to help us ensure a quick check-in process when you arrive.


Connect With Us

See more about what we’re up to, get details about upcoming events, connect with other parents, and more by following us on Instagram and Facebook!