Planter Course On Demand

A few important steps to take as you watch the Planter Course On Demand:

1. Watch the video.
2. Follow along in the Planter Course Booklet and write down notes/thoughts.
3. Discuss the questions together as you prepare to launch.

Session One Discussion Questions:

As you review the 4 Helpful Lists and Core Barriers, what became apparent to you?

When it comes to the Cruise Ship, Battleship & Aircraft Carrier - Throughout your life, what type of church have you experienced? What type of church do you desire to experience? 

When it comes to Contagious Relationships being a marker of movement, what is one acquaintance or “loose” relationship you have with a non-Christian that could lead to others knowing and following Jesus?

Session Two Discussion Questions:

What impact on your life would starting with God's will only make?

Where are natural places or people around you who don't know Jesus?

What stands out to you as you fill out the names/stories and spiritual background of the households around where you live?

Session Three Discussion Questions:

Incarnation: Who is one individual that doesn't know Jesus that God asking you to move toward this week?

Reputation: How would you describe your reputation to those observing your life?

Conversation: What’s 1 good question you will ask in a relationship with someone who doesn't know Jesus this week?

Session Four Discussion Questions:

Where's our place?

What's our plan?

Session Five Discussion Questions:

Fill out the ‘top line’ of your MAP. Who is the people group you are sent to help find and follow Christ?

Fill in the Gather, Grow & Go portion. How will you Gather as a Missional Community and grow spiritually? List some ways you will GO to your defined people group to help them find & follow Christ.

Session Six Discussion Questions:


Way to go on completing the Planter Course On Demand! Our next step is to place your dot on the map and commission your Missional Community! Hit the button below to connect with Sean Durbin and Dan Ruta to help your Missional Community take flight!