Christmas At Mission
You’re invited to come celebrate Christmas with us at Mission Church! Our services are on Friday, December 23rd at 4:30pm and 6:00pm and Saturday, December 24th at 9:00am and 10:30am at 82 Stratford Drive, Bloomingdale.
*Kids and Middle School programming will be available for all four services.

Legacy Christmas Party
Join us for the Legacy Christmas Party on Thursday, December 8th! Legacy is for anyone in the second half of life. We’ll have live music from the popular Jeorge Holmes, dinner, and a lot of Christmas fun. If you'll be there please let us know by emailing Donna at donna@wearemission.com.

Christmas At Mission
You’re invited to come celebrate Christmas with us at Mission Church on Thursday, December 23rd! Join us at 82 Stratford Drive, Bloomingdale at 4:00pm, 5:30pm, or 7:00pm.
Kids and Middle School programming will only be available at 4:00pm and 5:30pm.

Legacy Christmas Party
Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 9th for the Legacy Christmas Party! You will be treated to a delicious Christmas meal and the Greg Godfrey Band. We are asking you to decorate your table and invite guests! If you would like to help or have any questions please contact Donna Peacock below.

Legacy Kick-Off
Legacy is kicking off for the fall and you're invited! We'll be serving a delicious (Free!) BBQ dinner, enjoying some live music, and spending time with friends. Join us on Thursday, September 16th at 6:30pm at 82 Stratford Drive, Bloomingdale.
Legacy is a ministry of Mission Church that brings together people in the second half of life. We gather on the first and third Thursday of every month.